Molly Tipping

Hi, I’m Molly Tipping.

I am a gentle and joyful practitioner who is passionate about embracing the bodies natural intelligence to heal, learn and improve. I support this with a deep respect for the philosophy and theory of body-mind medicine and I love helping people re-discover their most able, loving and potent selves.

My career in movement arts and body practices began 20 years ago. I completed a BA in Dance at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts and worked for 7 years as a professional dancer and choreographer in Australia, India and Europe. After a creative and adventurous time I left performing and dove head and heart first into my greatest passion – body-mind science and therapeutic practice.

I trained in Pilates with Gillian Cornish (2000), Ideokinesis with Pam Matt (2004), Feldenkrais with Alan Questel and Julie Peck (2006-10) and Consent and Intimacy Coaching with Betty Martin and Robyn Dalzen (2021). These body centered modalities form the foundation of my teaching and healing practices today.