Yoga At work
Tailor made solutions for workplace wellness
Happy and healthy employees are a necessary foundation for every organisation. Yoga in the workplace is a win-win solution in supporting employee wellbeing and workplace productivity. Our corporate yoga programs are designed with an emphasis on stress management, gentle physical exercise, and positive psychology.
Our teachers can adapt programs to meet the fitness level of your group and our senior yoga teachers are available to work in therapeutic settings where a high skill level is required for specific populations. Our classes and courses can be held in our beautiful Mouth Hawthorn studio, at your workplace or even your home. Program delivery is flexible with teachers available to deliver programs at a time convenient to your organisation, including during and outside of work hours.
Yoga at Work Case studies
Organisation A
Yogahub provided onsite yoga services in the form of a beginner’s level program to Organisation A’s 23 employees. The employees ranged in age from 25 to 52. The course was delivered on site at 4pm on Thursday afternoons for eight weeks at the towards the end of working day. The course was progressive, meaning that each class built on the previous class, allowing the pace to build up slowly with plenty of time for repetition and questions from participants. The course was delivered with the intention that at the end of the course employees would have a basic yoga practice that had memorised and would feel comfortable attending any yoga general yoga or have enough tools to start a home practice. The employees ranged in age from 25 to 52.
- Yoga Service: Onsite 8 week course
- Course level: l Beginner
- Participants: 23
- Cost per class: $120 plus gst
- Cost per employee: $41 plus get
Rick Hamersley House
Yogahub provides an ongoing weekly yoga class to Rick Hamersley House residents and program participants. The class runs on a weekday morning and are 60 minutes in duration. Yoga participants varied greatly in fitness, age and ability. The yoga is focused on gentle mindful movement, reducing muscular tension, and increasing relaxation with new sequencing each week. Each week participation levels vary with participants attending only in weeks that it suits them with the class averaging around 40 people each week. Because of the size of the class and the impracticality of the teacher transporting large amounts of props Rick Hamersley house worked with Yogahub to invest in yoga props and equipment to keep onsite to facilitate the delivery of classes.
- Yoga Service: Weekly Gentle Yoga
- Course level: One - Two
- Participants: Variable 35-45
- Cost per class: $120 plus gst
- Cost per employee: $3
Department of Veteran Affairs
Yogahub provided therapeutic yoga services to Defence Force Veterans on a Department of Veteran Affairs Lifestyle Retreat held at Yanchep National Park over the course of a week. The yoga was offered as an adjunct to psychological programs on the retreat. The participants included veterans of various ages and physical abilities, many with limitations, nearly all had never practiced yoga before. An awareness that some participants may have mental health considerations was factored into designing the yoga program. The program focused on gentle simple breathing, and very safe, mindful movement. The intention was to provide participants with basic skills in modulating and making positive choices around arousal patterns. Services were provided by a senior teacher, trained in working with clinical populations.
- Yoga Service: Therapeutic Yoga
- Course level: Therapeutic
- Participants: 14
- Cost per class: $180 + $60 travel per day, plus gst
- Cost per employee: $17
Who We Have Worked With