Charis Pash

Building on a decade of practice and study, Charis undertook foundational training with vinyasa yoga veteran Shawn Taylor, and later, mentoring with senior Hatha and Ashtanga teacher, Sarcha Thurston. Embracing both creative and classical yoga styes, Charis offers classes that are best described as wholesome, well directed, and grounded. Underneath her wry sense of humour, is an honest and sincere approach to the sharing of yoga and bringing other seekers along for the journey in the spirit of good friendship. Her hands on adjustments are skilfully attuned having spent nearly a year working alongside Sarcha, on the Mysore room floor.

“Yoga continues to be a beautiful adventure with many moments of discovery as I have deepened into my own practice and stepped into teaching under such sturdy and talented teachers and mentors. Flowing through Sun Salutations & playing with balancing poses to keep you on your toes. My classes are a blend of fluidity & strength. I love holding poses for  longer breath counts to really melt in, go deep & observe yourself in the pose. Join me, let’s flow!”