Georgia Carter

An earnest seeker, Georgia first met the practice of yoga over 6 years ago; her experience evolving through various disciplines of ashtanga, hatha, vinyasa, yin, bhakti & vipassana meditation.

She continues, to immerse herself as a student, annually traveling to Rishikesh, India to deepen her understanding of yoga & vedanta, under the direction of Senior Iyengar Teacher Usha Devi & Siddhartha Krishna.

As well as exploring Vedic astrology & diving into Sanskrit studies at Sivananda Ashram.

Her work is based on traditional yoga, the teachings of B.K.S Iyengar through his lineage & the exploration of the Self.

Sharing accessible, authentic posture & vedantic wisdom; Imbibing students with understanding & awareness to prepare the body for longevity & to receive the deeper/subtle benefits.