Angela McQuie

Ange McQuie | Owner Akhila Yoga & Ayurveda

Angela began her yoga journey in 2003, studying with Eve Grzybowski’s ‘Teach Yourself Yoga’ book whilst living on a remote sheep station on the Nullarbor in WA.

She went on to formally train as a yoga teacher in Southern India in 2012 in the Sivananda Yoga tradition. Later, completing formal studies in Ayurveda in 2018. After building a strong local clientele she opened her Akhila Yoga & Ayurveda Studio in Kalgoorlie in 2017. 

As a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner, Angela incorporates the principles of Ayurveda into her yoga classes.

In addition to formal studies in yoga, ayurveda, sound therapy and psychology, Angela is currently studying yoga therapy in Perth with Chandrika Gibbson and undertaking mentoring with Sarcha Thurston.